Cross-time love
  Spock  JZ Time isn't a barrier to love | Spock | JZ | T'Paavik | Crossing Time  

Commander Spock & LtCmdr Jessica Zordon
Ever since the day that Spock's shuttle crashlanded 20 yards away from the Power Chamber in 1997 Spock & JZ have fallen in love

Love is forever
It is said that "During the battles with the Orion Space Pirates, the Vulcans were assisted by Zordon & the forces of good.... Vulcans had formed an alliance with the Antarian race. Over the eons the alliance grew stronger, with Vulcan/Antarian hybrids appearing every other generation.. Spock's shuttle crash near Angel Grove in 1997 caused a reaction among the allied planets...."

Time barriers are not allowed
It all started when Spock had taken some red-shirt ensigns on their first away mission, they had discovered by accident a rift in the Space/time continuum, the redshirts are ordered to the escape pods while Spock stays behind with the shuttle & it crashes in angel grove about 20 yards from the Power Chamber in 1997
Vulcan Sunset Ranger
To survive after the crash Spock is rescued by Jessica, AAHS World Radio Turbo Power, the Hotpink Ranger, he is taken to the Power Chamber where she mind-melds with him. The meld must be constant for week. Spock is given the "Vulcan Sunset Turbo powers" by Dimitria. He helps the rangers for 2 weeks.

During that time Spock & Jessica become close.

Saying farewell, but not "good bye"
Dimitria scans the universe for interspacial corridors that traverse time. She finds one that leads to Vulcan in the 23rd century, logically she would figure that if Spock has been gone for 3 weeks and that the Enterprise has found debris from the escape pods, the enterprise would be going to Vulcan to inform ambassador Sarek of Spock's death.
Spock & Jessica teleport over to the Power Chamber to hear Dimitria's news. Jessica is happy that Spock is able to return home, but she realizes that she has fallen in love with him. Dimitria lets them have a few minutes alone, they teleport to Angel Grove lake, the place where the corridor will appear, where Spock kisses her. "Jessicam, I get the impression that we will see each other again someday."
"JIM! I have found the woman of my dreams"
Spock said rather emotionally after being beamed back to the Enterprise. Spock tells Kirk everything about being in 20th century Angel Grove. He mentions Jessica as the beautiful young woman who saved him.

Spock meditates in his quarters, logically considering the options of a relationship with Jessica.
Cross Time relationships yes or no
Spock meditates in his quarters almost nightly, it has been 3 weeks since they were together. He controls the part of him that regrets leaving. Lt Sulu, who is a PR fan, lets Spock meditate in the Power Chamber. Looking back at his experience as a Ranger Spock realizes that it is logical to persue a relationship with Jessica, providing that either he or she would cross time-barriers to stay with the other.
Zordon: "Hot Pink Ranger, by my death I release you"
Spock willingly stepped through a space/time corridor to 20th Century Angel Grove. The Vulcan had logically considered the options of a relationship with Jessica, but one factor stood in his way, he felt it in the fledgling bond they shared, Jessica's first mentor, her imzadi, Zordon of Eltare. Morphing into the Vulcan Sunset Lightstar Ranger, Spock snuck onboard the Dark Fortress. Elgar had noticed him and was about to sound the alarm, but Spock felled him with the Vulcan nerve pinch. Somehow Zordon knew that Spock was there, but he knew that Spock wasn't the one to kill him. As a Vulcan Spock recognized the leader of the ones who assisted Surak against the Orion Space Pirates.
*Kwal se tu Zordon t'Eltare?* Spock asked. Zordon replied in Vulcan "Yes, it is I" With Zordon's permission Spock initiated a mindmeld and was almost blown away with the information he recieved.

*Why must you die sir?* Spock asked *Spock,* Zordon sent back in Vulcan, *it is logical, the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one. In my case, the two.* Sensing Spock's nearing Pon Farr & attraction to the young Hot Pink Ranger Zordon sent, *She is yours, if you wish it. By my death, I release her.* Spock broke the meld. He saluted Zordon "Dif-tor heh smusma svi Sha-ka-ri Osu Zordon." Zordon returned the salute "May the Power Protect you, always"

Spock was in the shadows when Andros & Jessica entered. Andros was serching for his sister Karone, and Jessica, with her wings bared was searching for "Zordon?! is it really you?" they asked. "Yes Rangers It's me." Jessica hugged him, tears were in her eyes, "Imzadi, I've missed you." she cried. kissing him passionately. Zordon sent that that was to be their last kiss. "You two must shatter the tube, only the good energy from my tube can save the universe." he said. Andros was reluctant, Jessica was even more so. "What will happen to you?" Andros asked "I will be gone, but my spirit will remain in all that is good." Zordon replied, Jessica screamed "Imzadi tu Katra se ri hiyet!" Jessica summons her quasar lazer and injured herself Zordon explained "you two are Power Rangers, it is your duty to save the universe. Karone appears and fights Andros, Jessica, injured, throws her laser at Andros ordering him to "combine it with your spiral saber, this will give you enough power to destroy my imzadi" Andros obeys and said to Zordon with great reluctance, "goodbye again old friend" as the combined weapon shattered Zordon's tube.

The golden energy relased from Zordon's tube was Spock's cue to bond with Jessica, the energy healed the hotpink ranger's physical wounds, as Spock nearly pounced on her, his fingertips unlatching her helmet initiating a healing meld. She could feel the heat that the Vulcan Sunset powers released, it was caressing, consoling, and familiar somehow,but with her grief Jessica couldn't figure out how. Spock carried her out of the dark fortress.
Space Colony Terra Venture
Ten years pass in the 20th-21st Centuries, Jessica is now the hotpink Galaxy Ranger. With Zordon dead, she wants to resign from the rangers. The Rangers are attacked by Scorpius's monster Trekoon, and almost lose their lives.
Image title would go here.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
Reaffirming her bond with Commander Spock, Jessica resigns her postition as the Hotpink Ranger. Claiming that once Zordon had died her ranger powers had become obselete.

Spock had convinced her to come to the 23rd Century, it wasn't really hard.
Image title would go here.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
LtCmdr Jessica Zordon
Passing the Kobiashi Maru test was what Jessica needed to do to earn her rank of LtCmdr.
Like the Captain, she was able to tweak the program so that the enterprise could escape from the klingons, to do that Spock must die.
Jessica ordered him to where the trouble was greatest, he obeyed her order at the cost of his life.

She's in sickbay when Spock entered the room, Dr. McCoy leaves them alone
Pon Farr is upon us!
during an away mission that they were sent on Spock began to feel the unpleasent urge of Pon Farr. His desire to bond with Jessica was getting stronger.

Jessica touches Spock, letting him know that she was there for him. The touch is like fire and both feel its effects.
Returning back to the Enterprise Spock & JZ are both affected by the Pon Farr & Thon-bat. Captain Kirk knows that he must get the Enterprise to Vulcan in order to save their lives.

On Vulcan Spock & JZ undergo the Kunat-kalifi ritual. T'Pau gives JZ the chance to have someone fight Spock for her, she refuses. the only one she wants is Mr. Spock.

Commanders Spock & JZ have twin daughters T'Paavik & Sora